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4 Worthwhile Features Of Business Phone Systems

Businesses have unique communication needs. Employees must be able to communicate with each other and their supervisors. Many businesses need to be able to communicate with customers, suppliers, and other businesses as well. Reliable phone service is invaluable when it comes to facilitating fast, efficient communication. Here are some of the features that make a business phone system worth the investment for small and large businesses alike.

1. Call Holding

Some businesses receive a high volume of callers each day. This is especially true of client-facing businesses with customer service departments. Staffing enough customer service representatives to help each caller simultaneously can be inefficient and expensive. Fortunately, business phone systems give your employees the ability to put calls on hold. Callers will be alerted of their place in line and given the option to wait until an employee can take their call and help them.

2. Voicemail Transcription

It's not always possible for employees to take every call that they receive. Some calls come after business hours or while an employee is busy performing another vital task. Fortunately, business phone systems give callers the option to leave a voicemail with their name, phone number, and reason for calling. Many phone systems go a step beyond and provide automatic voicemail transcription services. Your employees can receive a typed transcription of callers' voice messages in their email inbox for easy perusal at a convenient time.

3. Neat Separation Of Professional And Private Calls

Some business owners put off getting a business phone system because they believe that they can simply use their cell phones for all their business calling needs. Using a personal number to take business calls can work as a stopgap measure, but it's not the optimal solution for ongoing business operations. Taking personal and professional calls using the same phone number can cause people to reply inappropriately to clients by being overly informal by accident. Business phone systems come with dedicated phone numbers, which allow business owners and employees to answer the phone with professionalism every time.

4. Extension Numbers

Business phone systems can allow you to utilize phone extensions. Extension numbers can reduce confusion, making it easy to connect callers to the right department within your office. A business phone system can prompt callers with an automated dialogue, directing them to key in the extension number for the party they want to reach. This functionality can eliminate the need to hire a dedicated receptionist for your company.

Reach out to a business phone installation service to learn more. 
